Build an LLM RAG Chatbot With LangChain

The architecture of today’s LLM applications

how to build a llm

This process of continuous iteration can be achieved by mapping our workflows to CI/CD pipelines. It seems this specific prompt engineering effort didn’t help improve the quality of our system. As we mentioned earlier, there are too many other ways we can engineer our prompt and we encourage you to explore more. What’s important here is that we have a clean and simple way to evaluate anything that we want to experiment with. There’s too much we can do when it comes to engineering the prompt (x-of-thought, multimodal, self-refine, query decomposition, etc.) so we’re going to try out just a few interesting ideas. The idea here is to show how quickly we can go from prompt engineering to evaluation report.

How much time to train LLM?

But training your own LLM from scratch has some drawbacks, as well: Time: It can take weeks or even months. Resources: You'll need a significant amount of computational resources, including GPU, CPU, RAM, storage, and networking.

The system is trained on large amounts of bilingual text data and then uses this training data to predict the most likely translation for a given input sentence. While there are pre-trained LLMs available, creating your own from scratch can be a rewarding endeavor. In this article, we will walk you through the basic steps to create an LLM model from the ground up. Successfully implementing LLMs in your company requires careful planning and consideration.

Depending on your model and objectives, you may want to standardize these elements to ensure consistency. In summary, choosing your framework and infrastructure is like ensuring you have the right pots, pans, and utensils before you start cooking. Remember to install the necessary libraries and dependencies for your chosen framework. You’re essentially setting up your kitchen with all the tools you’ll need for the cooking process.

LLM-powered solution development

By sharing your data, you can help other developers train their own models and improve the accuracy and performance of AI applications. By sharing your training techniques, you can help other developers learn new approaches and techniques they can use in their AI development projects. Building private LLMs plays a vital role in ensuring regulatory compliance, especially when handling sensitive data governed by diverse regulations. Private LLMs contribute significantly by offering precise data control and ownership, allowing organizations to train models with their specific datasets that adhere to regulatory standards. Moreover, private LLMs can be fine-tuned using proprietary data, enabling content generation that aligns with industry standards and regulatory guidelines.

What is the structure of LLM?

Large language models are composed of multiple neural network layers. Recurrent layers, feedforward layers, embedding layers, and attention layers work in tandem to process the input text and generate output content. The embedding layer creates embeddings from the input text.

GPT-3, with its 175 billion parameters, reportedly incurred a cost of around $4.6 million dollars. Answering these questions will help you shape the direction of your LLM project and make informed decisions throughout the process. Data deduplication is especially significant as it helps the model avoid overfitting and ensures unbiased evaluation during testing. It also helps in striking the right balance between data and model size, which is critical for achieving both generalization and performance. In 2022, DeepMind unveiled a groundbreaking set of scaling laws specifically tailored to LLMs.

This flexibility allows for the creation of complex applications that leverage the power of language models effectively. The primary advantage of these pre-trained LLMs lies in their continual enhancement how to build a llm by their providers, ensuring improved performance and capabilities. They are trained on extensive text data using unsupervised learning techniques, allowing for accurate predictions.

While crafting a cutting-edge LLM requires serious computational resources, a simplified version is attainable even for beginner programmers. In this article, we’ll walk you through building a basic LLM using TensorFlow and Python, demystifying the process and inspiring you to explore the depths of AI. We’ve explored ways to create a domain-specific LLM and highlighted the strengths and drawbacks of each. Lastly, we’ve highlighted several best practices and reasoned why data quality is pivotal for developing functional LLMs. Everyone can interact with a generic language model and receive a human-like response.

Using the vector representation of similar words, the model can generate meaningful representations of previously unseen words, reducing the need for an exhaustive vocabulary. Additionally, embeddings can capture more complex relationships between words than traditional one-hot encoding methods, enabling LLMs to generate more nuanced and contextually appropriate outputs. Data preparation involves collecting a large dataset of text and processing it into a format suitable for training. A Large Language Model (LLM) is akin to a highly skilled linguist, capable of understanding, interpreting, and generating human language.

Nail it: Iterate to create a smooth AI product experience

Depending on the size of your dataset and the complexity of your model, this process can take several days or even weeks. Cloud-based solutions and high-performance GPUs are often used to accelerate training. Furthermore, to generate answers for a specific question, the LLMs are fine-tuned on a supervised dataset, including questions and answers.

how to build a llm

Using LLMs to generate accurate Cypher queries can be challenging, especially if you have a complicated graph. Because of this, a lot of prompt engineering is required to show your graph structure and query use-cases to the LLM. Fine-tuning an LLM to generate queries is also an option, but this requires manually curated and labeled data.

However, to get the most out of LLMs in business settings, organizations can customize these models by training them on the enterprise’s own data. Once your business understands the impact of large language models and how they can be integrated and leveraged for success, the next step is to build an LLM roadmap. A roadmap serves as a strategic plan that outlines the steps needed to meet a particular goal.

Moreover, mistakes that occur will propagate throughout the entire LLM training pipeline, affecting the end application it was meant for. With just 65 pairs of conversational samples, Google produced a medical-specific model that scored a passing mark when answering the HealthSearchQA questions. Google’s approach deviates from the common practice of feeding a pre-trained model with diverse domain-specific data. Transfer learning is a unique technique that allows a pre-trained model to apply its knowledge to a new task.

Get started

This means that organizations can modify their proprietary large language models (LLMs) over time to address changing requirements and respond to new challenges. Private LLMs are tailored to the organization’s unique use cases, allowing specialization in generating relevant content. As the organization’s objectives, audience, and demands change, these LLMs can be adjusted to stay aligned with evolving needs, ensuring that the content produced remains pertinent.

Under the hood, chat_model makes a request to an OpenAI endpoint serving gpt-3.5-turbo-0125, and the results are returned as an AIMessage. There are other messages types, like FunctionMessage and ToolMessage, but you’ll learn more about those when you build an agent. With the project overview and prerequisites behind you, you’re ready to get started with the first step—getting familiar with LangChain. Under the hood, the Streamlit app sends your messages to the chatbot API, and the chatbot generates and sends a response back to the Streamlit app, which displays it to the user. Please help me. how to create custom model from many pdfs in Persian language? LLM upkeep involves monthly public cloud and generative AI software spending to handle user enquiries, which is expensive.

how to build a llm

This verification step ensures that you can proceed with building your custom LLM without any hindrances. Break down the project into manageable tasks, establish timelines, and allocate resources accordingly. A well-thought-out plan will serve as a roadmap throughout the development process, guiding you towards successfully implementing your custom LLM model within LangChain. Consider factors such as performance metrics, model complexity, and integration capabilities (opens new window). By clearly defining your needs upfront, you can focus on building a model that addresses these requirements effectively.

Finally, it returns the preprocessed dataset that can be used to train the language model. We will offer a brief overview of the functionality of the script responsible for orchestrating the training process for the Dolly model. This involves setting up the training environment, loading the training data, configuring the training parameters and executing the training loop. Building your private LLM can also help you stay updated with the latest developments in AI research and development. As new techniques and approaches are developed, you can incorporate them into your models, allowing you to stay ahead of the curve and push the boundaries of AI development. Finally, building your private LLM can help you contribute to the broader AI community by sharing your models, data and techniques with others.

This article delves deeper into large language models, exploring how they work, the different types of models available and their applications in various fields. Creating an LLM from scratch is an intricate yet immensely rewarding process. As your project evolves, you might consider scaling up your LLM for better performance. This could involve increasing the model’s size, training on a larger dataset, or fine-tuning on domain-specific data. Data is the lifeblood of any machine learning model, and LLMs are no exception.

Confident AI: Everything You Need for LLM Evaluation

Ensure that your data encoding and tokenization methods align with your model’s architecture and requirements. Consistency and precision in this step are essential for the success of your AI cooking process. Larger models can capture more complex patterns but require more computational resources and data. Smaller models are more resource-efficient but might have limitations in handling intricate tasks.


But how does ChatGPT manage to do all of this? The answer lies in its underlying technology — LLM, or Large Language Model. LLM is a cutting-edge technology that uses advanced algorithms to analyze and generate text in natural language, just like humans.

In the realm of large language model implementation, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. The decision to build, buy, or adopt a hybrid approach hinges on the organization’s unique needs, technical capabilities, budget, and strategic objectives. It is a balance of controlling a bespoke experience versus leveraging the expertise and resources of AI platform providers. Pre-trained Large Language Models (LLMs), commonly referred to as “Buy LLMs,” are models that users can utilize immediately after their comprehensive training phase. These models, available through subscription plans, eliminate the need for users to engage in the training process.

Successfully integrating GenAI requires having the right large language model (LLM) in place. While LLMs are evolving and their number has continued to grow, the LLM that best suits a given use case for an organization may not actually exist out of the box. By understanding the architecture of generative AI, enterprises can make informed decisions about which models and techniques to use for different use cases. LangChain is a framework that provides a set of tools, components, and interfaces for developing LLM-powered applications.

This diagram shows you all of the nodes and relationships in the hospital system data. One useful way to think about this flowchart is to start with the Patient node and follow the relationships. A Patient has a visit at a hospital, and the hospital employs a physician to treat the visit which is covered by an insurance payer. Because of this concise data representation, there’s less room for error when an LLM generates graph database queries. This is because you only need to tell the LLM about the nodes, relationships, and properties in your graph database. Graph databases, such as Neo4j, are databases designed to represent and process data stored as a graph.

  • Your chatbot will need to read through documents, such as patient reviews, to answer these kinds of questions.
  • That said, if your use case relies on the ability to have proper words, you can fine-tune the model further to address this issue.
  • This should work, as most of the models are instruction-tuned to handle MCQs.
  • It emphasizes the importance of privacy in LLMs due to the processing of vast amounts of sensitive data during training and deployment.

Swoop into the adventure of creating your own Private Language Model (LLM), with expert tips and tricks along the way. Discover the steps you need to take and what to think about when building a language model that keeps your data private without sacrificing performance. For classification tasks, accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score are relevant metrics. You can use a validation dataset to evaluate its performance on tasks related to your objective.

That way, the chances that you’re getting the wrong or outdated data in a response will be near zero. At Intuit, we’re always looking for ways to accelerate development velocity so we can get products and features in the hands of our customers as quickly as possible. In the legal and compliance sector, Chat GPT private LLMs provide a transformative edge. These models can expedite legal research, analyze contracts, and assess regulatory changes by quickly extracting relevant information from vast volumes of documents. This efficiency not only saves time but also enhances accuracy in decision-making.

how to build a llm

Pre-trained models may offer built-in security features, but it’s crucial to assess their adequacy for your specific data privacy and security requirements. This is where the concept of an LLM Gateway becomes pivotal, serving as a strategic checkpoint to ensure both types of models align with the organization’s security standards. Establishing secure application programming interfaces (APIs) is crucial for seamless integration of the private LLM into diverse applications while upholding data transmission encryption. The guidance of a large language model further ensures that API development aligns with the highest security standards. In the culmination of building a private language model (LLM), the focus shifts to the crucial phases of deployment and maintenance. This section explores strategies for securely implementing a private LLM in real-world scenarios and outlines continuous monitoring practices to uphold the model’s performance and privacy standards over time.

Such custom models require a deep understanding of their context, including product data, corporate policies, and industry terminologies. Sometimes, people come to us with a very clear idea of the model they want that is very domain-specific, then are surprised at the quality of results we get from smaller, broader-use LLMs. From a technical perspective, it’s often reasonable to fine-tune as many data sources and use cases as possible into a single model.

These models can offer you a powerful tool for generating coherent and contextually relevant content. For instance, ChatGPT’s Code Interpreter Plugin enables developers and non-coders alike to build applications by providing instructions in plain English. This innovation democratizes software development, making it more accessible and inclusive. These models can effortlessly craft coherent and contextually relevant textual content on a multitude of topics. From generating news articles to producing creative pieces of writing, they offer a transformative approach to content creation.

Before moving forward, make sure you’re signed up for an OpenAI account and you have a valid API key. I am aware that there are clear limits to the level of comfort that can be provided. Therefore, if the problem is too complex or serious for this chatbot to handle, I would like to recommend the nearest mental hospital or counseling center based on the user’s location.

Next up, you’ll learn a modular way to guide your model’s response, as you did with the SystemMessage, making it easier to customize your chatbot. You then instantiate a ChatOpenAI model using GPT 3.5 Turbo as the base LLM, and you set temperature to 0. OpenAI offers a diversity of models with varying price points, capabilities, and performances. GPT 3.5 turbo is a great model to start with because it performs well in many use cases and is cheaper than more recent models like GPT 4 and beyond. You’ll use OpenAI for this tutorial, but keep in mind there are many great open- and closed-source providers out there. You can always test out different providers and optimize depending on your application’s needs and cost constraints.

The most popular example of an autoregressive language model is the Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) series developed by OpenAI, with GPT-4 being the latest and most powerful version. At its core, an LLM is a transformer-based neural network introduced in 2017 by Google engineers in an article titled “Attention is All You Need”. The sophistication and performance of a model can be judged by its number of parameters, which are the number of factors it considers when generating output.

However, as you’ll see, the template you have above is a great starting place. In Step 1, you got a hands-on introduction to LangChain by building a chain that answers questions about patient experiences using their reviews. In this section, you’ll build a similar chain except you’ll use Neo4j as your vector index. You now have a solid understanding of Cypher fundamentals, as well as the kinds of questions you can answer. In short, Cypher is great at matching complicated relationships without requiring a verbose query.

Their proficiency extends to various types of LLMs, including GPT and BERT, tailoring them to meet specific privacy requirements. By championing the development of private LLM models and embracing ethical AI practices, SoluLab sets the stage for a future where innovation and privacy coexist seamlessly. The landscape of natural language processing has witnessed the integration of language models into various applications. However, the surge in concerns regarding data privacy has ushered in a paradigm shift towards the creation of private language models (LLMs). In an era where privacy awareness is paramount, constructing LLMs that prioritize the confidentiality and security of user data takes center stage.

Here, Bloomberg holds the advantage because it has amassed over forty years of financial news, web content, press releases, and other proprietary financial data. ChatGPT has successfully captured the public’s attention with its wide-ranging language capability. Shortly after its launch, the AI chatbot performs exceptionally well in numerous linguistic tasks, including writing articles, poems, codes, and lyrics.

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How to Build a $300 AI Computer for the GPU-Poor.

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An ever-growing selection of free and open-source models is available for download on GPT4All. For more information about building reliable, scalable pieces for the API agent for production, check out the AI Chatbot with Retrieval-Augmented Generation Workflow. If you’re looking to experiment with a production-grade RAG pipeline for your LLM application, visit NVIDIA/GenerativeAIExamples on GitHub.

Otherwise, you’ll need to DIY a series of algorithms that retrieve embeddings from the vector database, grab snippets of the relevant context, and order them. If you go this latter route, you could use GitHub Copilot Chat or ChatGPT to assist you. Take some time to ask it questions, see the kinds of questions it’s good at answering, find out where it fails, and think about how you might improve it with better prompting or data.

In the end, the question of whether to buy or build an LLM comes down to your business’s specific needs and challenges. While building your own model allows more customisation and control, the costs and development time can be prohibitive. Moreover, this option is really only available to businesses with the in-house expertise in machine learning. Purchasing an LLM is more convenient and often more cost-effective in the short term, but it comes with some tradeoffs in the areas of customisation and data security. Before diving into building your custom LLM with LangChain, it’s crucial to set clear goals for your project.

There are several frameworks built by the community to further the LLM application development ecosystem, offering you an easy path to develop agents. Some examples of popular frameworks include LangChain, LlamaIndex, and Haystack. These frameworks provide a generic agent class, connectors, and features for memory modules, access to third-party tools, as well as data retrieval and ingestion mechanisms. You need the new files in chatbot_api to build your FastAPI app, and tests/ has two scripts to demonstrate the power of making asynchronous requests to your agent.

This will take care of setting up our agent (embedding and LLM model), as well as the context retrieval, and pass it to our LLM for response generation. Without this relevant context that we retrieved, the LLM may not have been able to accurately answer our question. And as our data grows, we can just as easily embed and index any new data and be able to retrieve it to answer questions. Now that we have a dataset of all the paths to the html files, we’re going to develop some functions that can appropriately extract the content from these files. We want to do this in a generalized manner so that we can perform this extraction across all of our docs pages (and so you can use it for your own data sources).

What are the building blocks of LLM?

Large language models (LLMs) have become the darlings of the AI world, captivating us with their ability to generate human-quality text and perform complex language tasks. But beneath the surface lies a fascinating interplay of three fundamental building blocks: vectors, tokens, and embeddings.

You need to identify the business objectives, evaluate the resources available, and choose the right tools accordingly. Before diving into the detailed planning process, you must understand that each organization has unique needs and objectives, which means a one-size-fits-all approach might not work. This involves considering the size and skill set of your data team, the nature of your business, the type and scope of data you handle, and the specific challenges you aim to address with LLMs. Starting small with pilot projects and gradually scaling up as your team gets more comfortable with LLMs can often yield better results than a hasty, large-scale implementation. Additionally, solutions like Pecan that offer a fast-track to experimentation can provide an excellent starting point.

The true power of LLMs lies in their ability to customize an ever-evolving business landscape, making them invaluable assets for future-proofing your organization. SoluLab employs state-of-the-art security measures, including secure coding practices, encryption, and access controls. Regular security audits are conducted to identify and address potential vulnerabilities. By embracing these advancements and prioritizing privacy, private LLMs can become powerful tools that empower individuals while respecting their fundamental right to data privacy.

We’ll develop our application to be able to handle any scale as the world around us continues to grow. In this guide, we’re going to build a RAG-based LLM application where we will incorporate external data sources to augment our LLM’s capabilities. Specifically, we will be building an assistant that can answer questions about Ray — a Python framework for productionizing and scaling ML workloads. The goal here is to make it easier for developers to adopt Ray, but also, as we’ll see in this guide, to help improve our Ray documentation itself and provide a foundation for other LLM applications.

At the core of this guide is the exploration of multifaceted aspects involved in constructing a private language model. We navigate the intricacies of handling sensitive data, incorporating encryption for secure storage, and implementing privacy-centric techniques in model development. You can foun additiona information about ai customer service and artificial intelligence and NLP. Adi Andrei pointed out the inherent limitations of machine learning models, including stochastic processes and data dependency. LLMs, dealing with human language, are susceptible to interpretation and bias. They rely on the data they are trained on, and their accuracy hinges on the quality of that data. Biases in the models can reflect uncomfortable truths about the data they process.

Delving into the world of LLMs introduces us to a collection of intricate architectures capable of understanding and generating human-like text. The ability of these models to absorb and process information on an extensive scale is undeniably impressive. The journey of a private LLM extends beyond deployment, entering a continuous monitoring and updates phase that demands a proactive stance towards privacy and security. In every stage of Large Language Model (LLM) development, prioritizing privacy is crucial. Developers must stay vigilant from conceptualization to deployment, addressing potential privacy risks through clear data usage policies, strict adherence to privacy regulations, and ethical guidelines.

Ensure that your AI is fair, ethical, and compliant with relevant regulations. Implement bias detection and mitigation strategies to address potential biases in your data and outputs. Different models may have different tokenization processes, so ensure your data matches your chosen model’s requirements. There are several architectural choices, but the Transformer architecture, popularized by models like GPT-3 and BERT, is a common starting point. Think of this step as choosing the right cooking tools and kitchen appliances for your culinary adventure.

Known as the “Chinchilla” or “Hoffman” scaling laws, they represent a pivotal milestone in LLM research. Ensuring the model recognizes word order and positional encoding is vital for tasks like translation and summarization. The late 1980s witnessed the emergence of Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), designed to capture sequential information in text data. The turning point arrived in 1997 with the introduction of Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks. LSTMs alleviated the challenge of handling extended sentences, laying the groundwork for more profound NLP applications.

how to build a llm

If you opt for this approach, be mindful of the enormous computational resources the process demands, data quality, and the expensive cost. Training a model scratch is resource attentive, so it’s crucial to curate and prepare high-quality training samples. As Gideon Mann, Head of Bloomberg’s ML Product and Research team, stressed, dataset quality directly impacts the model performance. Besides significant costs, time, and computational power, developing a model from scratch requires sizeable training datasets. Curating training samples, particularly domain-specific ones, can be a tedious process.

Once the LangChain Neo4j Cypher Chain answers the question, it will return the answer to the agent, and the agent will relay the answer to the user. The only five payers in the data are Medicaid, UnitedHealthcare, Aetna, Cigna, and Blue Cross. Your stakeholders are very interested in payer activity, so payers.csv will be helpful once it’s connected to patients, hospitals, and physicians. In this code block, you import Polars, define the path to hospitals.csv, read the data into a Polars DataFrame, display the shape of the data, and display the first 5 rows. This shows you, for example, that Walton, LLC hospital has an ID of 2 and is located in the state of Florida, FL.

How to build LLMs?

Building an LLM is not a one-time task; it's an ongoing process. Continue to monitor and evaluate your model's performance in the real-world context. Collect user feedback and iterate on your model to make it better over time. Creating an LLM from scratch is a challenging but rewarding endeavor.

And by the end of this step, your LLM is all set to create solutions to the questions asked. Dataset preparation is cleaning, transforming, and organizing data to make it ideal for machine learning. It is an essential step in any machine learning project, as the quality of the dataset has a direct impact on the performance of the model.

  • Data preparation involves collecting a large dataset of text and processing it into a format suitable for training.
  • Training a Large Language Model (LLM) from scratch is a resource-intensive endeavor.
  • While larger models like GPT-4 can offer superior performance, they are also more expensive to train and host.
  • Once test scenarios are in place, evaluate the performance of your LangChain custom LLM rigorously.

You can start by making sure the example questions in the sidebar are answered successfully. In this script, you define Pydantic models HospitalQueryInput and HospitalQueryOutput. HospitalQueryInput is used to verify that the POST request body includes a text field, representing the query your chatbot responds to. HospitalQueryOutput verifies the response body sent back to your user includes input, output, and intermediate_step fields.

But our embeddings based approach is still very advantageous for capturing implicit meaning, and so we’re going to combine several retrieval chunks from both vector embeddings based search and lexical search. Because we have many moving parts in our application, we need to perform both unit/component and end-to-end evaluation. And for end-to-end evaluation, we can assess the quality of the entire system (given the data sources, what is the quality of the response). Fine-tuning can result in a highly customized LLM that excels at a specific task, but it uses supervised learning, which requires time-intensive labeling. In other words, each input sample requires an output that’s labeled with exactly the correct answer.

Is MidJourney LLM?

Although the inner workings of MidJourney remain a secret, the underlying technology is the same as for the other image generators, and relies mainly on two recent Machine Learning technologies: large language models (LLM) and diffusion models (DM).

What are the building blocks of LLM?

Large language models (LLMs) have become the darlings of the AI world, captivating us with their ability to generate human-quality text and perform complex language tasks. But beneath the surface lies a fascinating interplay of three fundamental building blocks: vectors, tokens, and embeddings.

How to make an LLM app?

  1. Import the necessary Python libraries.
  2. Create the app's title using st.
  3. Add a text input box for the user to enter their OpenAI API key.
  4. Define a function to authenticate to OpenAI API with the user's key, send a prompt, and get an AI-generated response.
  5. Finally, use st.
  6. Remember to save your file!
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Business Development Associate

Job Description

The selected candidate will report directly to Head of Commercial Sales. The following are the job scope:

  • Source for new sales leads
  • Follow up on sales leads
  • Prepare proposals, presentations and quotations for projects
  • Prepare and complete contracts
  • Perform site recces and visits
  • Build and maintain client relationships
  • Liaise with finance team to ensure timely billing
  • To undertake project management to ensure projects are delivered effectively


  • Dynamic and proactive in all assignments
  • Good knowledge of intelligent security system principles and practices
  • Broad knowledge of technical infrastructure including networking and communication
  • Good communication skills (writing & speaking)
  • Experienced in preparing and submitting government & Commercial tenders
  • Ability to perform under pressure and complete project within tight timeline
  • Fast learner
  • Comfortable at public speaking/presenting to clients
  • Class 3 license is preferred
  • Being bi-lingual is preferred

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Business Development Executive

Job Description

The selected candidate will report directly to Head of Commercial Sales. The following are the job scope:

  • To identify, develop and build relationships with prospective clients and ensure all sales opportunities are acted upon
  • Proactively grow existing customers as well as to develop new sales opportunities
  • Prepare proposals, presentations and quotations for clients
  • Prepare and submit tender documents for tenders
  • Work closely with R&D and relevant technical teams to develop new solutions for clients
  • Prepare and complete contracts
  • Perform site recces and visits
  • Build and maintain client relationships and main liaison for clients
  • Liaise with finance team to ensure timely billing
  • Overall project manager that will oversee the lifecycle of the projects and to ensure projects are delivered effectively


  • Dynamic and proactive in all assignments
  • Good knowledge of intelligent security system principles and practices
  • Broad knowledge of technical infrastructure including networking and communication
  • Good communication skills (writing & speaking)
  • Experienced in preparing and submitting government & Commercial tenders
  • Ability to perform under pressure and complete project within tight timeline
  • Fast learner
  • Comfortable at public speaking/presenting to clients
  • Class 3 license is preferred
  • Being bi-lingual is preferred

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Junior Network Engineer

Job Description

As a Junior Network Engineer for Maintenance, the incumbent is primarily responsible for:

  • All matters concerning and relating to Network implementations for all projects
  • Attend to all Maintenance work, whether with or without Network and or any Network issues, as detailed and directed by the Maintenance Supervisor
  • Configuration and troubleshooting of Network equipment’s for the Projects installation and Maintenance
  • Assist in Site Recces as and when required to provide Network inputs
  • Ensure all Preventive Maintenance of equipment are carried out properly in accordance to Technical SOP provided
  • Preparation of all matters relating to Network maintenance, all materials and tools and manpower associated with the Network maintenance tasks
  • Supervise attached worker and ensure all sites are properly cleaned and made good
  • Provide 24X7 support for the maintenance Projects (In case of Emergency Activation)
  • Ensuring and maintaining all equipment used for the daily operations are not only in good working order
  • Keeping proper records of all maintained equipment, not just network equipment only, but all maintained items are updated properly and accordingly
  • Ensuring and carrying out all PM and CM, are completed on time
  • Ensuring all Safety Aspects are in order during work, proper PPE and Safe Work procedures are carried out during such time
  • Keeping all maintained equipment and surrounding areas Clean and not Just Safe to work but also safe to public in public areas
  • Liaise with internal and external parties for maintenance matters irrespective of whether concerning Network equipment but all or any equipment as and when required
  • Shall also perform any other ad hoc tasks not described in the job description as and when instructed by his superiors or as ordered by Higher Management
  • Prepare Project Implementation plan and implement according to the schedule Provided to Customer
  • Maintain accurate records of installations, configurations, and service calls
  • Prepare documentation for clients outlining system specifications and configurations

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Payroll & HR Assistant

Job Description

1. Perform end to end payroll processing (weekly and end month) Guards and Office staff.
2. Work closely with Managers to ensure smooth payroll processes.
3. Check against employment contract and update the details of newly joined employees.
4. Responsible for calculation of allowance, OT and claims processing.
5. Manage employees’ leave records, on boarding & out boarding.
6. Perform tax clearance (IRAS-IRAS21) for resigned staff and prepare yearly IR8A for online submission.
7. Upload CPF monthly reports for submission.
8. Employee claim for medical reimbursement.
9. Ensure all timesheets submitted correctly for guards.
10. Check annual leave, medical leave & hospitalization leave application of staff.
11. Maintain payroll system.
12. Ensure compliance with MOM and Government regulations.
13. Ensure high accuracy and updating of staff records in HR system.
14. Prepare monthly payroll summary report to finance department.
15. HR related filing.
16. Any other HR /Payroll functions as assigned.

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Security Operations Executive

Job Description

  • Ensuring day-to-day operations can run smoothly
  • Communicating with fellow operations team personnel to develop strategic operations goals
  • Ensure operations run smoothly, in full capacity and at company standards
  • Monitoring and ensuring operational performance of both internal and external service providers
  • Providing a workplace setting that is conducive to productive work by ensuring
  • Setting up sites where needed
  • Preparing SOPs for site
  • Handling complaints/ enquires where required
  • Preparation of documentation such as attendance reports, incident reports etc.
  • Recruitment of officers
  • Arranging for training where required
  • PLRD grading
  • Cover shortfalls where required
  • Any other tasks as assigned by management


  • A levels, diploma or equivalent
  • Security Supervisor ranking as per PLRD
  • With at least 2 years of experience in operations
  • CERT training*
  • First Aid*
  • Class 2/3
  • Proficiency in basic security technology (incident management, clocking systems)
  • Proficient in MS Office (Excel & Word)
  • Hands on, self-motivated, meticulous with positive mindset and able to work independently & to meet tight deadlines
  • Team player with good interpersonal skills
  • Excellent communication skills

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Security Personnel

Job Description

  • Secure premises and personnel by patrolling, surveillance, and monitoring access
  • Investigate security breaches/incidents, and other suspicious behavior
  • Control traffic where required
  • Submit incident reports reports by recording observations, information, occurrences, and surveillance activities
  • Any other security duties as required by site based on your rank


  • PLRD requirements for the relevant ranking you are replying to
  • CERT training* (for certain sites)
  • First Aid* (for certain sites)
  • Willingness to use technology for daily security duties


We would like to commend you on maintaining a very professional attitude by being gracious, giving extra attention and efforts to the Management of GSM Building.

Your technical support team also deserve our commendation for demonstrating their capabilities in trouble-shooting & problem-solving, which swiftly resolved GSM Building’s Virtual Guard Solutions with Remote Monitoring CCTV issues.

We will not hesitate to recommend Oneberry Technologies Pte Ltd to all.

Doreen Lee (Ms)
Building Manager
MCST 753 GSM Building


“Virtual Guard has been a significant help in supporting our security operations to meet outcome-based contracts. The technology enables manpower on site to be more effective with less headcount needed.”

Daniel Marc Chow
Managing Director
Henderson Security Services


“I want to thank Oneberry Command Centre for the fantastic job done well as our vital partner on Globalmax outsourced Command Centre assignment. My appreciation and thanks to the Oneberry Command Centre (OBCC) management team, day & night shift controllers for performing outstandingly. I hope that OBCC can continue to maintain and excel in their service delivery.”

Bobby Baljit
Managing Director
Globalmax Security & Consultants


“I wish to commend the team for implementing the Virtual Guard solution at Landridge Condo. The residents have given positive feedback on the successful switch to remote security. Thanks for a good job and we appreciate it!”

MCST Council Chairman
Landridge Condominium

Join the team

Project Admin Coordinator

Job Description

  • Candidate able to work independently with minimal supervision
  • Project-based reports management, cost scheduling
  • Able to pick up irregularities and flag out to the team for cost savings
  • Reconciliation of monthly usage reports for payment
  • Any other AdHoc admin duties assigned